Luca Marchetti L M Art the exhibition Natura e Universo femminile 2018
The works, Prisoner of herself and No color beyond its have been selected for the group exhibition of contemporary art Nature and the feminine universe, at the Diocesan Museum Francesco Gonzaga of Mantua, from 10 to 21 November 2018.
The work
Prisoner of herself has a format cm 70×50, pieces 7.
Iter of the work
Exhibited for the first time to the public.
The artist’s thoughts on the work
The work was conceived to highlight the inner struggle between passion and rationality that forces us to make choices every day of this life. Not always done with the heart.
No color besides yours: has a format cm 100×70, pieces 5.
Iter of the work
Mostra Tracce 2011, a Narni; 17° Fiera internazionale d’arte Art Innsbruck, Febbraio 2013; Mostra Christmas Exhibition, Bologna 2015; Paulskirche, Francoforte 2017; Arte Padova, Padova 2017; ArtParma, Parma 2018.
The artist’s thoughts on the work
There are beings who can eclipse everything else around them, souls full of vital light.
Photo of the exhibition
Museo Diocesano Francesco Gonzaga
Piazza Virgiliana, 55,
46100 Mantova MN
Inauguration Saturday 10 November 2018, 5.00 pm (admission free)
Open to the public from 10 to 21 November 2018
Exhibition hours: Wednesday to Sunday: 9.30-12.00 / 15.00-17.30
Monday and Tuesday: open only to reserved groups.
Admission to the entire museum € 6.00 – reduced € 4.00
Some press releases event
Dal 10 al 21 novembre 2018, il Museo diocesano Francesco Gonzaga di Mantova ospita la mostra collettiva d’arte contemporanea Natura e Universo femminile, dedicata a un binomio tematico che si inserisce nel solco di una tradizione simbolica secolare e che trova ampia rappresentazione nella storia dell’arte. … contnua © www.mantovanotizie.com