Luca Marchetti L M Art at the International Fair ArtParma Fair 2018

The works, No color beyond its and Hourglass They continue their exhibition path and arrive at the International Fair of modern and contemporary art Art Parma Fair , in Hall 7 (West entrance), in the stand n ° 20 of Sabrina Falzone.


The work

No color besides yours: has a format cm 100×70, pieces 5.

Iter of the work
Mostra Tracce 2011, a Narni; 17° Fiera internazionale d’arte Art Innsbruck, Febbraio 2013; Mostra Christmas Exhibition, Bologna 2015; Paulskirche, Francoforte 2017; Arte Padova, Padova 2017.

The artist’s thoughts on the work
There are beings who can eclipse everything else around them, souls full of vital light.


Clepsydra has a format cm 100×70, pieces 7.

Iter of the work
Mostra Tracce 2011, Narni; 17° Fiera internazionale d’arte Art Innsbruck, Febbraio 2013; Mostra Christmas Exhibition, Bologna 2015; Paulskirche, Francoforte 2017, Arte Padova, Padova 2017.

The artist’s thoughts on the work
Time has many facets, spiritual changes that improve in one direction and vary in proportions worsen in the physical aspect. . . But not the soul



Fiera di Parma
393A Viale delle Esposizioni,
43126 Parma


From 29 september to 7 October 2018

29 Saturday, 30 Sunday September
5 Friday, 6 Saturday, 7 Sunday October 10:00am to 07:00pm

Some press releases event

Dopo il successo dell’edizione primaverile, torna l’ ArtParma Fair, giunta alla sua 9ª edizione... continua  ©