17th edition of International Fair of Contemporary Art Innsbruck

Luca Marchetti was present at the Art Innsbruck – International Fair of Contemporary Art in Innsbruck.
The 17th edition of the fair was held in Hall D + E of Messe Innsbruck (Austria).

At the fair he exhibited the works No color beyond yours and Clessidra, both works measure 70 × 100 cm


The Fair area of Innsbrückk
South entrance, Ing. Etzel (Ing.-Etzel-Straße)
6020 Innsbrück, Austria


Open to the public from 21 to 24 February 2013,
Hours: 10: 00-20: 00
Vernissage February 20 from 19:00


Press releases

The crisis being discussed so intensively at that time was scarcely in evidence at the 17th ART Innsbruck, which took place this year from Thursday 21st to Sunday 24th February in Innnsbruck’s fair hall. …. Read the official pdf art-innsbruck
© www.art-innsbruck.at


La crisi non ha scalfito la 17° ART Innsbruck tenutasi quest′ anno da giovedì 21 a domenica 24 febbraio nei padiglioni della fiera di Innsbruck. Da anni non si registravano vendite così considerevoli, ammette con soddisfazione Johanna Penz, fondatrice e direttrice di ART Innsbruck. Inoltre, il numero di visitatori ha superato la soglia magica raggiunta lo scorso anno pari a 17.000 unità. ….  Leggi il pdf del cultura.bz
© www.cultura.bz