Luca Marchetti L M Art the International Exhibition of Contemporary Art in Berlin Art 26 to 31 January 2016
The last work by the artist Luca Marchetti signed LM Art will be visible for the first time to the public at the International Exhibition of Contemporary Art BERLINO IN ARTE from 26 to 31 January 2016
The work
The chance, last work by Luca Marchetti LM Art in May 2015, was listed for the exhibition Art in Berlin 2016, the new work, will for the first time exposed to the public.
The work, as a whole limited edition of Marchetti, is printed on canvas and framed on wood measure, measuring 130×80 cm and has a circulation of 7 pieces.
The artist’s thoughts on the work
There comes a moment in your life, where you find yourself at a crossroad and it’s struggling to choose a path…. The instinct pushes you to a direction while something, someone, tries to pull back… and that’s because that path is only for one person to take. Is a bond that holds you, that stucks you. You look ahead of you, but you don’t make a move, and you know never will. Than suddenly something happens and changes you and finally you take that very first step… and then the second and so on.. Without ever furning back,… towards THE CHANGE
August 35 Gallery
Auguststraße 35,
10119 Berlin
From Monday to Saturday
from 17:00 to 20:00
free entrance
Sunday close
Official Opening: Tuesday, 26th of January at 6:30 pm
Photos of the exhibition
the video of the work
Some press releases event
Ecco a Berlino l’immancabile appuntamento annuale con il progetto espositivo “Berlino in Arte 2016”, curato dall’équipe di Sabrina Falzone e dedicato all’arte contemporanea internazionale….. © www.nonsolocinema.com
La mostra, fissata per l’ultima settimana di gennaio nel vivace quartiere berlinese del Mitte, vedrà la partecipazione di artisti provenienti da tutto il mondo, che lo storico dell’arte Sabrina Falzone ha avuto l’onere e l’onore di selezionare in base ai requisiti di qualità artistica e novità espressiva… © www.controluce.it
Terminata a Berlino l’immancabile appuntamento annuale con il progetto espositivo Berlino in Arte 2016, curato dall’équipe di Sabrina Falzone e dedicato all’arte contemporanea internazionale… © youreport