Prisoner of herself

Characteristics of the work

Realized: January 2005

Size in cm: 70 x 50

Edition: 7

Quotation January 2019: 1.800,00 €

The artist’s thoughts on the work

The work was conceived to highlight the inner struggle between passion and rationality that forces us to make choices every day of this life. Not always done with the heart.

Reviews and Awards

Dr. Sabrina Falzone on facebook combines a painting by Magritte from 1928 with Luca Marchetti’s work Prisoner of herself.


Created in 2005, this work is exposed to the public for the first time at the international contemporary art exhibition Natura e universo femminile at the Diocesan Museum Francesco Gonzaga of Mantua, Italy ; In March 2019 it is exhibited at the international exhibition Turin in art in the AccorsiArte gallery from March 30th to April 30th; In October 2023 it is present at the 27th Art Fair Innsbruck together with three other works.

Characteristics of the canvas

The works are printed on precious pictorial canvas made in Italy, optimized to ensure long life and maximum color brilliance. Resistant to sunlight.
The frame is made of a special and solid glued laminated wood, of Italian production, subjected to strict controls by experts.

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