No color besides yours

Characteristics of the artwork

Realized: May 2010

Size in cm: 100 x 70

Edition: 5

Quotation January 2019: 2.600,00 €

The artist’s thoughts on the work

There are beings who can eclipse everything else around them, souls full of vital light.

Iter dell’opera

Exhibited for the first time at the exhibition Tracce 2011, in Narni; February 2013 at the 17th international fair Art Innsbruck ; at the 2nd edition of Christmas Exhibition in Bologna, December 2015; while in September 2017 he was in Frankfurt at the exhibition at Paulskirche ; in November 2017 he is exhibited at the 28th Exhibition of Modern and Contemporary Art ArtePadova ; in September 2018 at the International Fair dedicated to modern and contemporary art ArtParma Fair; in November 2018 participates in the exhibition Natura e universo femminile in the Diocesan Fracesco Gonzaga Museum of Mantua.

Caratteristiche della tela

Le opere sono stampate su tela pittorica pregiata realizzata in Italia, ottimizzata per garantire una lunga durata nel tempo e la massima brillantezza dei colori.
Il telaio è costituito da uno speciale e solido legno multistrato incollato, di produzione italiana, sottoposto a severi controlli di esperti.

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