Nothing will be as before

characteristics of the work

Realized: March 2011

Size in cm: 150 x 75

Edition: 7

Quotation January 2019: 1.400,00 €

The artist’s thoughts on the work

From that moment on, nothing was the same, opening that door to allow someone to do only damage.

Reviews and Awards

Dr Alessandro Costanza in the volume Progetto arte 2016 – Luca Marchetti L M Art reviews the work and compares it with a work by Alberto Burri.
Progetto Arte was created in 2013 at the behest of Dr. Alessandro Costanza, critic and art historian, as a comprehensive program of reviews and critical analyzes of works of high-level art.
The volume “Progetto Arte 2016 – Luca Marchetti L M Art” can be purchased at La Feltrinelli – Mondadori youcanprint libreria – Hoepli IBS


Exhibited for the first time in 2015 at the gallery at the Birla Art Gallery on the occasion of the international exhibition London in Art.

Characteristics of the canvas

The works are printed on precious pictorial canvas made in Italy, optimized to ensure long life and maximum color brilliance. Resistant to sunlight.
The frame is made of a special and solid glued laminated wood, of Italian production, subjected to strict controls by experts.

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